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Saturday, February 17, 2024

Islam is a religion of peace

 Islam is a religion of peace

Talking about peace in Islam is too large to be summarized in an article. Islam is the religion of peace and the religion of mercy. There is no doubt about it and there is no doubt that the Prophet Muhammad (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him) was sent with mercy. God Almighty said, “And We have not sent you except as a mercy to the worlds” (Al-Anbiya’ 107), and that the Prophet Muhammad came with morals and he said

  “I was sent only to perfect good morals.” So if the Prophet brings mercy and morals, will that result except peace?

Anyone who looks at the condition of the Arabs before the mission of the Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, will see that they had tasted the scourges of wars that they had tasted, and the Prophet witnessed some of them in his upbringing, and the strange thing is that they were for the most trivial reasons, and perhaps for no reason at all. Then Islam came to remove all this ignorance and establish the principle of peace. And morals and good treatment. The Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, was far from wars and clashes, and even from what led to them, based on that sublime message that came as light and guidance to people. The Prophet Muhammad hated the name Harb, and he, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, would change the name of someone whose name was Harb to another, better and more beautiful name.

This is his view of war, and this is his view of peace... Indeed, what a most merciful view! If you glance at the jurists, you will find that when talking about issues of war and peace, they address the chapter (the jurisprudence of peace and war) by prioritizing peace over war because it is the origin of the message, and the enemies of Islam continue to cast suspicion on it. They said that Islam was conquered by the sword and the religion of killing, and it is sufficient to refute them that the follower Looking at the verses of the Holy Qur’an with an eye of thought and contemplation, one finds that the word “peace” and its derivatives are mentioned one hundred and forty-four times, and that the word “war” and what is derived from it are mentioned only six times. If this indicates, it only indicates and reflects the view of Islam on this issue and the view of the Prophet of Islam, may God bless him and grant him peace.


If we review a little, we will look at a verse from the Book of God in this regard, which is the Almighty’s saying: “And if they incline to peace, then incline to it.” (Al-Baqarah 208), it has a clear indication of adopting the principle of peace and peace and that it is the basic rule for this nation. Professor Sayyid Qutb, may God have mercy on him, said when interpreting this verse: The expression of an inclination towards peace by leaning is a gentle expression that casts the subtle shadow of modesty. It is the movement of a wing that leans toward the side of the ladder, and relaxes its feathers in meekness.

Rather, God Almighty expressed Islam as peace. He Almighty said: “O you who have believed, enter into peace entirely” (Al-Baqarah 208), and peace here is Islam. Rather, the Lord Almighty told us that the path of God and His religion is peace. God Almighty said, “Thereby God guides whoever follows His good pleasure.” No Peace” (Al-Ma’idah 16), and many more. If you discuss the tolerance of Islam with non-Muslims, delve into history and study the circumstances of the predecessors to learn how the religion established the rules of peace for the nation, and according to it was the approach of the righteous predecessors, and the Almighty’s saying is sufficient for them in that, “God does not forbid you from repenting toward those who do not fight you on account of religion, nor expel you from your homes.” Treat them and deal justly with them Indeed, God loves those who are just” (Al-Mumtahanah 8). The meaning of the verse is clear and does not need explanation, but the sun will not reach the one who has conjunctivitis.


Perhaps a questioner may ask: What is the matter with those wars and invasions that the Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, fought?! He should know that the Prophet remained patient and patient for nearly half of his calling, seeking reward, and never fought. He urged his companions to endure and be patient, and whenever they complained to him, he would say “I was not ordered to fight.” If you look at the matter rationally, what would prevent you from a man who tortures you, deprives you of your money and blood, and even kills you? Is it reasonable to let him do to you whatever he wants, but it is the wisdom of God and the lessons of patience.

If you move and look with insight at the conquests and wars of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, you will find that it has not been proven that he started a war suddenly or suddenly, but rather his wars were a defense and revival of the principle of peace. The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, was the first to draft a document that preserved peace and security, and it is like the first civil constitution to guarantee rights. And freedoms, and the city at that time had Jews, Christians, and idol worshipers alongside Muslims, so Islam was the basis of the relationship between it and non-Muslims. However, Islam legislated

Jihad, and some people are embarrassed to say the name while the word war is used

Jihad in legislation obliges the Mujahideen to have morals by which they keep an eye on God Almighty even when fighting them. God Almighty said, “And fight in the cause of God those who fight you, but do not commit aggression” (Al-Baqarah 190). The implications for this are many, and the bottom line is that peace is the foundation of the relationship of Muslims with others, and that jihad ( War) was legislated in order to preserve peace from the aggression of the oppressors against the weak, and for this reason Islam came as a middle ground, and did not make war a foundation, but it was never a religion of humiliation and humiliation, but rather a religion of power and glory, and God Almighty said, “And that God may know who will help Him and His messengers in the unseen. Indeed, God is Powerful.” Mighty” (Al-Hadid: 25).


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