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Sunday, February 18, 2024

The car and its benefits

The car and its benefits

  .Invention of the automobile

  This world has become filled with many modern inventions, which have had great benefit and great merit in the world of technology that has contributed to helping humans greatly, especially in the issue of reducing time and effort in addition to increasing productivity, and the car is one of the most important of these modern inventions that have become Life without it is kind of difficult. In the past, people used to travel vast distances, either on horses or on camels. Whoever wanted to go to Hajj - for example - would need to leave his home at least five to six months before that if he lived in the Levant, especially since he used to go with... gathering of people; Human movement slows down more, as does the movement of animals, not to mention the serious dangers that travelers were exposed to from the bandits who were disturbing travelers, stealing their money, and perhaps killing them, and no one knew anything about them.

  Therefore, going from one place to another became dangerous on many levels, until the time came when the car was invented.

  The story of the invention of the car began in 1886 AD at the hands of engineer Karl Benz, who recorded the ingenuity of inventing the first engine for a car that ran on three tires. This invention at that time was an important qualitative shift in human life, as the presence of the car would save him from the many troubles that had been a nightmare. A real threat to his interests. At the same time, engineer Gottfried Daimler was able to develop the shape of the car to make one that ran on four wheels, with the help of some specialists who greatly facilitated the matter for him.


  Thus, the global competition began between engine inventors and developers for each one of them to develop the machine in his hands. Some of them tended to develop the electric-powered engine, while others were developing the fuel-powered engine. In the beginning, automobile development was a craft in which every person worked according to the energies and materials at hand, but in the United States of America the matter was different from that. Henry Ford was able to transform the automobile industry from a craft to a production when he established a factory specializing in the production of cars, and he would attract various skilled people so that they could do so and all of them would enjoy success. This led to a significant reduction in the price of cars that were owned only by the wealthy and those of the luxurious class. Until Henry was able to make it less expensive because the factory was producing larger quantities.


The car is one of the most important modern inventions that entered the world of man. Man no longer needs the great effort that he had previously made with the existence of the car. Life has become less easy, especially in trade between countries. Thus, the car has provided man with a beautiful gift in his world. It made him a master behind the wheel after he had made every effort to reach the place he wanted. The car was one of the most prominent inventions that had a positive impact on human life and made him abundantly blessed. Presentation: Benefits of the car The car is like that technical assistant that transports a person from one place to another without making any significant effort, and without being exposed to the difficulties and hardships that he used to suffer in the past. This invention led to an important qualitative shift in a person’s life that made his life turn around. Upside down, but for the better, and the car made many things that were seen as luxuries into necessities without which life cannot continue. Due to the widespread proliferation of cars in this modern era, a person may wonder about the benefits of the car in his life, especially since the car has become a given


  He no longer felt its benefit, as the thing he wanted to happen through it was inevitable, so he no longer thought about the great achievements it offered him, some of which he had dreamed of in the past. The first benefit of the car is the freedom to move a person from one place to another at the time and hour he wants. What he wants, whether he owns a car or takes the bus, the result is the same and he will reach the place he wants. The world has now gone from development to greater and higher development, and movement between cities has become inevitable, especially between the workplace and the place of residence. A person today may work in a place and his residence is perhaps a hundred or two hundred kilometers away from that place, at the very least. In the past, he needed a day. Completely on fast horses until he reaches that place, but now a person may have gone and returned many times from his place of work to his home without the slightest effort, and if he gets a little tired, it will be from the hot sun that hurt him after he was enjoying his home under the cold air conditioners.

  The car is a real factor that has enabled a person to have the means of luxury and security after he did not enjoy that, or perhaps he had relatively luxury. But now he can take his car and move from Damascus to line up in Beirut on the beach and then return on the same day. Even the car ride itself is regardless of Regardless of the destination has become a luxury, so what is more beautiful than a machine that runs safely! He enjoys stunning views, fresh air that refreshes him, and a portable roof over his head that keeps him away from the heat of the sun and winter rain, in addition to the benefits of the car in transporting goods from one place to another and transporting furniture and trade between one country and another. The benefits of the car are great, great, endless, and difficult to enumerate. If a person wanted to know all of that, he could count its benefits every time he stood in front of its door to ride. As the blessing continues, a person may forget to be grateful for it, and thanks are due to God, the Creator, who has subjected man to creating those blessings and populating this earth. .

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