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Friday, February 9, 2024

Concerning contamination of the environment

 Concerning contamination of the environment

One of the most serious forms of pollution that we are currently experiencing is severe environmental contamination. people are the primary source of pollution, and both people and other living things are impacted by it. Pollution is defined as: - The alteration of the surrounding environment caused by humans and their everyday activities, which results in the appearance of certain resources that are incompatible with the habitat of the organism and cause its imbalance. The cause of pollution in the environment: People are the

primary and essential factor in the emergence of all types of pollutants and the pollution process in the environment. Technology advancement, resource depletion, and industrial growth are all related to people. These materials are produced, used, and reproduced by humans. Levels of pollution:

1- Non-toxic pollution:

  It is the kind of roving pollution that one can coexist with without risk or injury, and it doesn't interfere with the natural equilibrium of the environment or the harmonious movement of its constituent parts.

  2. Severe pollution

Pollution is the cause of the adverse impacts that humans and their surroundings experience. It is associated with all sorts of industrial activity, and the urgency of implementing quick preventative actions to shield people from this pollution is what makes it dangerous.

  3. Damage-causing pollution:

Pollution destroys any semblances of environmental balance and is the primary cause of the collapse of both humanity and the environment. It has to do with the way technology is developing—people mistakenly believing they are creating new things every day. It takes a long time and a lot of money to fix this mistake. The following are some examples of several types of pollution: air, waste, water, soil, audio, visual, and food.

contamination. Pollution's effects include: • The rise of numerous environmental issues, such as the population expansion • Rain with acidity. • The loss of some plant and animal species and the disruption of biological diversity. • Ozone layer deterioration • The warming of the planet. • The low quality of agricultural soil and the phenomena of desertification. • Airport airspace is subject to atmospheric pollution, which causes a decrease in visual field. • Variations in temperature and unstable climates. • Damage antiques: Due to the lead and sulfur oxides' propensity to corrode over thousands of years, large quantities of these oxides can

Engage with the elements of those hues. • Volatile, poisonous gasses that spontaneously ignite are the cause of fires. • Rising airborne concentrations of dangerous oxides and heavy metals, particularly lead, which are caused by the metal smelting industry, the production of power, and chemical and plastic companies. • It is difficult to purify wastewater. • Industrial materials are persistent in soil used for agriculture. • Reducing agricultural land areas to accommodate industrial expansion. • As more water bodies are created to dispose of industrial waste, there is an increasing diffusion of atmospheric moisture into the air. • Growing heat flow from industrial sources

regions that are laden with a variety of contaminants, including smoke, dirt, and plankton. Handling pollution: - • The individual's self-awareness as the pollution signals his impending demise. • Removing permits for industrial operations that cause environmental degradation. • Moving industries that cause environmental pollution out of cities. • Creating strategies to counteract air pollution. • Creating methods for getting rid of trash and waste, particularly burning rubbish outdoors. • Engaging in extensive afforestation projects to remove and absorb air pollutants. • Regular vehicle inspections and exhaust system monitoring. • Using natural gas instead of thermal energy sources as a substitute energy source. • Using chemical solvents to treat oil contamination

• Placing it on the ocean floor; • Creating marine reserves with uncommon marine life that is in danger of going extinct; • Using natural resources and organic insecticides instead of chemical pesticides.

For us, the environment is ultimately a trust.



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