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Monday, February 19, 2024

Between dreams and real life

 Between dreams and real life

A dream is the sleeper’s soul talking about his daily life or about the events of his distant era during his entire day or time. Dreams come to people as a matter of wishes, or from a state of psychological pressure, or imaginary images that the mind stores in different forms that have different shapes and colors, and most of these dreams are empty dreams, and the reason is Its lack of realism, including different images and colors,

You will find the dreamer telling himself of events that are difficult to attain, and he may be, while he is in his full mind and ability, sending a mental image to his mind of distant images. What is amazing in all of this is that you find a person dreaming while he is in his full day and age, then he fully believes in his dream and believes it, then he begins to think about his dream and has words and deeds. And geometric images that have certain configurations.

• The dream and its relationship to the subconscious mind

For example, a poor person dreams that he has great wealth, prestige, and the ability to lead his society, and a coward dreams that he is a knight riding a horse and breaking through the ranks of battle as a fighter. Everyone looks at him with courage and chivalry, and some who suffer from diseases see themselves as a skilled doctor and a great surgeon who performs major surgeries, with a large line of people walking behind him. The doctors point fingers at him and record every breath or whisper he utters because he is a senior consultant.

The examples in the symbols go on and on: This type of person dreams in a dream, and when she wakes up she is astonished. He may wake up in shock from the horror of the dream that he saw and his subconscious mind wandered in it. He wakes up in a state of epilepsy because he is in a state and what he saw was another state. This is known among people as the talk of the soul and wishes.

• Types of dreams

This is a type of dream, and there is a type of dream that depicts an event or its reality, and it is closer to the truth. Many interpreters have found for it, such as Ibn Sirin and other scholars. They specialized in their time in interpreting people’s dreams and sayings, and usually the interpretation of a true dream has conditions that the sleeper sleeps while remembering while he is awake. The garment of his purity, so he imagines the events of his day and what is reflected, then it becomes a future picture of the actions and daily events that he does in his day, so he imagines daily solutions and exits for them, so the picture is complete in his mind, and the solution appears clearly, and when it is interpreted, the solution is whether good or otherwise, and it is often written that it is obligatory, and the definition of a dream is accumulations. Time and successive events accompany the individual in his life. It was said in the old proverb: “The words of the people of Najd are the words of their hearts.”

• Dreams from your imagination and perceptions

This is in a dream. There is another type that dreams of creating a homeland and the birth of its mother, traveling thousands of light years until it conjures the life of Adam and his migration from his birth to his day. For example, the living person has the ability and knowledge to create the shape and image of our father Adam, then this image is in the figment of his imagination and he finds himself following the intermittent stages. From life, he runs in every direction, searching for a dead formation that cascades from its base, but he does not find it. He scatters himself right and left, counting and repeating images in order to find a place to stand on, but he does not find a place.

• The dreamer sees graves and the dead

Among the great and amazing images are the images of cemeteries. You can imagine, while you are in your bliss and paradise, the life of this world, that fate drags you away for hundreds of years, and we may say thousands of years. Then you stop at the door of these cemeteries and imagine those in their stomachs rising and they are in full strength and ability. You can imagine the dreamer standing and watching the dead. They send Vera Ones to rise while carrying their swords and spears, carrying their strength and ability, and another walking naked and naked, and another carrying the sandals of his master, and another lame and not concealed, and another tall and crouched carrying his beauty attributes, and another crawling at the feet of others. This is the scene for the dreamer. It is a majestic and frightening scene that cannot be imagined or comprehended. This scene There is no real explanation for it, so the dreamer is astonished by the horror of his dream, and when he wakes up from his sleep, he begins to remember God and seek refuge from Satan, because what he saw betrays the reality of his situation.

• The difference between dream and reality

The difference is only in behavior, ways of life, and color, because it is an era and a time. That is why dreams were found and reality was found. Some people do not dream much. They should thank God because dreams are sometimes painful, knowing them is painful, and achieving them is impossible, and every soul has its own choice and choice.

May God make all our dreams good and may they always be well

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