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Sunday, January 7, 2024




German physician Dr. Samuel Hahnemann is credited with introducing the homoeopathic medical approach.He was essentially an allopathic physician who quit his practice due to the adverse effects and transient alleviation of allopathic problems.He began translating the medical texts into other languages as his bread and butter.He discovered cinchona, a botanical remedy, while transcribing Cullen's materia medica.Cinchona is said to be able to treat malaria and cause symptoms that are comparable to

to malaria in healthy people.Hahnemann's lightbulb went out, and he made himself an extract of cinchona bark.He was surprised to experience chills and aches associated with malaria.He began conducting the identical experiment on many subjects, and the outcome was the same.

Through this experiment, Hahnemann discovered that any medication that may cause a set of symptoms in a healthy person can also be used to treat an ill person's equivalent symptoms.He administered cinchona to a number of malaria patients, and the amazing results led to the development of the homoeopathic method.Homoeo signifies similar, while pathos denotes sorrow.The fundamental tenet of homoeopathy is "similia similibus curantur," which translates to "like cures."

remedy.Hahnemann mixed other medications with alcohol as a vehicle, began testing them on various age groups, and recorded the symptoms that each group experienced.He demonstrated almost thirty medications, and the resulting symptoms were methodically recorded.The symptoms gathered by medication proof were arranged in a prescribed sequence and published as materia medica pura.

Hahnemann observed that the symptoms in healthy individuals are produced by diluting the crude pharmacological substances in spirit, which develops a dynamic power.Using the similia similibus curantur premise, Hahnemann began treating a great number of sick people with his medications. He saw amazing results, and homoeopathy soon gained international recognition.

After prescribing medication to a few individuals, he observed that their symptoms were returning.Thus, he realized that treating the disease's underlying cause was necessary.He discovered through research and observation that certain dynamic forces—which he dubbed miasms—are essentially what cause diseases.[Syphilis, Psora, and Sycosis] He saw that a comparable dynamic force needed to be used to entirely remove these miasms in order to cure a person.This concept gave rise to antimiasmatic medications, which are medications with the ability to cause diseases akin to miasms.He created anti-migraine medications, conducted trials on sick patients, and discovered amazing treatments.

Growth of Homeopathy

He wrote a book outlining the fundamentals of homoeopathy and called it the organon of medicine.Later on, he began to publish these works, and Organon saw the publication of six editions.Many doctors from other systems began opposing homoeopathy almost immediately after it was introduced.However, some who had previously opposed homoeopathy ultimately learned the truth about it and began to practice it.Physicians who established the method adhered to Dr. Hahnemann's aim, including Drs. J. T. Kent, Hering, Boenonghausen, and others.They all began getting ready for numerous additional

    medications based on Hahnemann's guidelines.Doctors discovered that by methodically diluting the drug's component in spirit, the drug's medical potency increased even as its amount decreased.Since the causes of diseases are dynamic, treatment must likewise be dynamic.Different potencies of the same drug were created using a technique known as potentization.They discovered that by making a medication more potent, its penetration power is boosted, enabling it to function at a higher level than typical drug material forms employed in other systems.The miraculous cures of even mental disorders can be attributed to the unique qualities of homoeopathic medicine.

                   Overarching concepts

Instead of treating diseased organs or portions of the body, homoeopathy treats the sick person as a whole.For a long-term cure, a person's social, emotional, mental, and physical well-being are taken into account.According to this philosophy, every person possesses an unseen force called vital force, which can become deranged and lead to ailments.The vital force preserves the balance of the mind, body, and soul in a healthy state.The male will experience and function normally during this.Signs and symptoms are the exterior manifestations that occur when the vital force is disrupted.An imbalance in the body's processes provides foreign organisms (bacteria, viruses, fungus, protozoa, etc.) with a place to live and allows them to

multiply and create alleged illnesses.According to homoeopathy, the true reason of a sickness lies beyond bacteria and viruses, hence treating the underlying cause is necessary for a long-term recovery.Only the aforementioned secondary reasons are eliminated by the antibacterial and antiviral medications.

Toxic morbific agents known as miasms—dynamic effects that alter the vital force—cause diseases.Three main types of malaria are PSORA, SYPHILIS, and SYCOSIS. While they go by different names, several medical schools acknowledge these three causes. Psora results in disruptions to function, syphilis leads to structural alterations in the form of ruins, and sycosis results in modifications in the form of overgrowth.These three miasms can cause distinct illness situations when they act alone or in combination.

homoeopathic medicine preparation

Homoeopathic medicines are made from a variety of materials, including minerals, plants, animals, poisons, sick tissues, etc. These materials are turned into medicines using a unique procedure known as potentization.Here, the insoluble substances are ground (trituration) with milk sugar and the soluble substances are potentized by diluting (mixing with spirit with a downward stroke) with spirit.The raw medication ingredient is first combined with a measured amount of water and spirit, then refrigerated for a few days.Mother tincture (denoted as Q) is the extract that is extracted from this mixture.Potentization is used to create tincture dilutions from this mother.Potentiation is a quantitative method.

procedure that boosts medicinal potency while reducing the amount of the original medication component. The various scales for this technique vary based on the ratio of drug component to vehicle (milk sugar or spirit).Every scale has a unique potency that represents the medicinal power.The drug substance vehicle ratio, for instance, is 1/10 on a decimal scale, while the available potencies are 3x, 6x, 12x, etc.The accessible potencies in LM potency are 0/1,0/2,0/3 ect., while the ratio in centismal scale is 1/100 and the available potencies are 30c, 200c ect.The word "potency" follows the name of every medication.

The same medication is offered in several strengths. Adequate strength is

chosen based on a wide range of factors, including the patient's age, condition, disease kind, severity, depth, and so on.

Study topics for homoeopathy include:

Medical history

The evolution and history of homoeopathy

the forerunners of homoeopathy

Medical Organon

Philosophy of homoeopathy

Medical materials

Pharmacognosy and homoeopathic pharmacy

Repertory for homoeopathy

Taking homoeopathic cases

Homoeopathic medicine

topics related to general medicine:

General medicine, pediatrics, dermatology, psychiatry, opthalmology, dentistry, orthopedics, surgery, microbiology, parasitology, toxicology, forensic medicine, social & preventive medicine, surgery, ENT, gynecology & obstetrics, and so on

Homoeopathic prescription and case taking.

When the right remedy is administered in the right dosage, homoeopathic treatment can cure a patient quickly, gently, and permanently. It might not work well to treat an illness with a single medication (or set of medications).Our ability to accurately diagnose and treat a patient's condition depends on knowing their symptomatology.It is the entirety of a person's symptoms, encompassing basic mental, bodily, and specific symptoms, among others.

Every indication and symptom (physical and mental) of the individual is recorded in detail.Information regarding past illnesses, family medical histories, dietary and bowel habits, significant causes, climatic change relationships, constitutions, and other topics are recorded in a methodical manner.

Mental signs and symptoms 

For instance, fear, worry, melancholy, rage, jealousy, and so forth.

Physical signs and symptoms:

Example: The composition of the body, thirst, hunger, aversions, bowel movements, urination, sleep, taste, and smell, as well as any unusual sensations like pain, burning, temperature fluctuations, and so forth...

Odd and peculiar symptoms

This is the homoeopathic medical system's area of expertise.These symptoms are crucial in helping choose an appropriate treatment.The most frequent symptoms are those that virtually all patients experience.  This explains why different people with the same condition are prescribed different medications.Example: Due to variations in individual symptoms, five typhoid patients may receive five different treatments.

specific/local symptoms and indicators:

This includes bodily part and organ-related indications and symptoms.

Example: Affected part, any edema, discoloration, etc.                         

Systematic analysis:

A methodical order is followed when examining the various systems.(Systems such as the digestive, nervous, respiratory, circulatory, and so on.                                                                                                                                                               

vital indicators

These checks include blood pressure, temperature, respiration rate, pulse, and others.

a general physical assessment

Here, every bodily part is inspected to detect any alterations, from the head to the toe.

preliminary disease diagnosis: illnesses that are likely to occur are identified here. In homoeopathy, the diagnosis of an illness is necessary for general care and prognosis but less crucial for choosing a remedy.

Lab tests and other techniques are included in this category of studies to rule out any more serious conditions.                                                                                                                    

final diagnosis of the illness:

Following thorough inquiry, the illness is identified.

Corrective diagnosis:

When it comes to homoeopathy, this is the most crucial section. In order to do this, the chosen symptoms are ranked in a methodical order according to significance. To determine the significance of each symptom for the choice of treatment, symptoms are analyzed.The selection of remedies is based on similarities.

A procedure known as repertorization is used to identify appropriate solutions. Books referred to as repertories are utilized here. A repertory is a list of symptoms found in materia medica, or books that list pharmacological symptoms.These days, computer software is employed for theater repertory.Through this method, we will obtain the remedies that address all of the patient's significant symptoms.

Among these cures, the best one is chosen by consulting a number of publications and taking the patient's life space investigation into account.The chosen medication is administered at the right dosage and potency.


Miasms are the primary cause of sickness, and appropriate anti-miasmatic medications should be used to remove them.If the symptoms are comparable, all drugs have the ability to eliminate the miasm.Anti-psoric, anti-syphilitic, and anti-sycotic medications are available.To finish the cure, an appropriate antimiasmatic medication must be used after the miasm has been diagnosed.



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