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Tuesday, January 30, 2024



Key words: Terrorism, danger, and frustration

Concerning Frustration

Frustration: What Is It?

Humans only experience this sense of dissatisfaction and unease when something goes wrong with them or when they fall short of the objectives they set for themselves. Three of the ten individuals that are impacted are badly afflicted, making seven out of ten affected. It's a mental illness that is spreading similarly to other serious illnesses like AIDS.

In the current competitive environment, each person has goals they wish to quickly accomplish, and they become upset if they are not met. This frustration can have a detrimental effect on the mind, slowing down the person's ability to think clearly. An individual who is frustrated may make poor decisions and hence be unable to generate novel ideas. His creative flow is halted. All that remains of him are his unfinished ambitions and unmet goals as he is unable to reach all of them. A person who is so frustrated becomes detached from reality.

How does this frustration even come about?

First of all, people become frustrated when they are unable to meet the goals they have set for themselves. Second, people become frustrated when they see that they are falling short of others and that others have advanced quickly while they have stayed at their previous position. They become frustrated by this. when people establish goals that are well beyond of their ability because they have an incorrect perception of their own talents. They only make comparisons between themselves and people who have greater wealth, higher potential, or more education.

then raised their aim to those heights that they could never, in reality, reach. They then become frustrated when they are unable to achieve their goals.

It is the reality that not every person on the planet is born with the same potential, skills, or location. If they begin their careers in fields where they are weak or that aren't really designed for them because they misunderstand their functional area. The failure to meet the goals causes frustration as a result of this. For instance, some people prefer to hold the CEO position in reputable organizations just due to their high birth rate.

Even if they are not very brilliant, society and wealthy families support them, while others, who are more qualified and gifted, work very hard to get middle-class positions. People become frustrated if the average person does not try to eliminate these kinds of societal inequalities. Frustration also leads to a huge number of young people getting involved in terrorist activities.

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